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Welcome to the blog

A few days ago, I posted the Nolan family’s session, The other half of that session, the Eoute family, is coming at you today, and it is an adorable one, let me tell you. Piper and her parents melted my heart! Plus, keep scrolling to see the two cuties who graduated from K5 today in a few shots TOGETHER! It took a little bribing and a lot of jokes from Maddox to persuade Piper to scoot closer, but it was worth it in the end. I know these are going to brighten your day!
If you missed it a couple days ago, check out the Nolan family’s session with little Maddox!

Posted in: Uncategorized

May 10, 2016

Eoute Family | Greenville, SC

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Nichole Lauren is a photographer & business coach in based in South Carolina & available for travel worldwide.

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Nichole Lauren

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