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Caroline and Eric have this sweet air about them that you can’t help but fall in love with. Both of them just radiate love and happiness, and it is simply infectious to be around. When Caroline suggested that they have their engagement session downtown, I was really excited. We have been having phenomenal weather, and this day was no exception! And Caroline came so prepared. It was adorable. She had everything from tissues (to wipe the lipstick off Eric’s face) to Starbucks cups that said bride and groom on them. 🙂 Best of all, you ca tell these two just love to be around each other. Eric can easily make Caroline smile and vice versa. I could not be more excited about their wedding later this year and to share this post with you!!

Posted in: Uncategorized

March 2, 2017

Caroline & Eric | Downtown Greenville, SC | Engaged

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Nichole Lauren is a photographer & business coach in based in South Carolina & available for travel worldwide.

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Nichole Lauren

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