Just a couple days since I graduated college, and y’all I already miss it a little. Is this normal?! I got some major nostalgia as I drove into my first full week of work this morning and realized that I’m not going back to Clemson (as a student, anyways). And while I’m really glad for no more late homework nights and tests, there is a lot I think I’ll miss about college. So here’s my ode to Clemson in the form of a list of things I will truly miss, plus a super pretty grad session of one of the most joyful 2017 Clemson grads I photographed this year. Holly was super great! I hope you don’t mind my sentimental post…I’ll be brief.
- Ah, Clemson sunsets at the top of my list where God painted the sky a beautiful orange and purple hue almost every night
- Free membership at Fike, a really nice gym where I definitely didn’t go as much as I should have
- A beautiful campus that made walking to class a pleasure and thunderstorms a little like a thriller film where you didn’t know if you would die (and those nuclear bomb-sounding sirens that would warn you of the lightning…okay, not sure if I’ll miss those)
- Living on the same street as my school and feeling so much Tiger pride all around me, going to the bank, walking down the street…everywhere!
- Free library camera equipment rentals…YES!
- Free Adobe creative suit software…wow YESSS!
- Free printing and plotting…saved my life!
Are we noticing a pattern here? Clemson is truly to be credited for the starting of my photography business in a modestly cost-efficient manner 😉 And I’m truly grateful for that!
- Student organizations and extra-curricular activities that made every day a different and exciting adventure
- Such a wide-variety of internship experience to get my feet wet in so many different career paths and experiences
- An active campus where everyone was always moving and having fun
- The small college town feel where everyone is young and fun and cute and hip and friendly
- Most of all, an atmosphere of family and a school that values integrity, honesty, and respect
I could talk your ear off all day. There’s so much more I could say, and I’m so grateful for the time I did get to spend at this school. Maybe you’re a Clemson grad and you know exactly what I’m talking about. Either way, ever loyal! And Goooooo Tigers!
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