Welcome to the blog

Welcome to the blog

There are definitely times I miss this place! That’s why I LOVE going back for senior sessions. There truly is something in these hills, and I feel right at home as I make the last leg of that drive up 123, a road I traveled often back in the day, no billboards, little traffic, just lots of country music and time to gather my thoughts. This place hold so much significance for me. The times weren’t always easy, but I grew in ways I never imagined I could in just a few short years here. It was the first time I attended a big, public school after attending a small, private school my entire life. It was my first time living away from home in a place other than a dormitory. I made some of my sweetest Christian friendships through a Bible study I joined my junior year, and it was a place I felt very loyal and excited about unlike any other institution I had ever been a part of before. But probably my sweetest memory at Clemson was pulling my friends out between classes to pose for me as I was just getting this photography business thing up and running. I can’t believe that my first official gigs as Nichole Lauren Photography were Clemson seniors from the class of 2015. That makes my business 3 years old this month!! What a blessing to look back and see how God has weaved my story through so many events big and small. I’m so humbled and so thankful for the opportunity to do this job, and I’m especially grateful for senior sessions that remind me of my humble beginnings. And THANK YOU for supporting my journey and following along! It means the world to me.
Where the Blue Ridge yawns its greatness;
Where the Tigers play;
Here the sons of dear Old Clemson,
Reign supreme alway.

Dear Old Clemson, we will triumph
And with all our might
That the Tiger’s roar may echo

O’er the mountain height.

Posted in: Uncategorized

January 25, 2018

Sam | Clemson, SC | Senior

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Nichole Lauren is a photographer & business coach in based in South Carolina & available for travel worldwide.

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Nichole Lauren

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photography + Education