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Wanting to start an LLC but don’t know how? Wondering how to start your business on the right foot, legally? Creating an LLC is a great place to start. Use these five easy steps to form your LLC in South Carolina. LLCs offer many benefits that we discuss in this week’s episode. Don’t forget to grab my new 10+ page complete E-guide: How to Form an LLC in South Carolina, complete with all the links and documentation you need!

Listen to this episode now:

Listen on your favorite platform: APPLE, SPOTIFY, and STITCHER.


**While this educational blog post and advertised e-guide was created by a licensed South Carolina attorney, the information in both are purely educational. The information in this blog post and guide is not legal advice nor does it create an attorney-client relationship.**

Step #1: Choose a Name

The name choice is a strategic decision. First, check your name availability on your Secretary of State’s website. You cannot create an LLC with the same name as another LLC in the state. Next, make sure your name fits with the overall goal and vision of your business. It’s also helpful to envision your name in future marketing strategies and branding or logo design. Always be thinking ong-term about impacts of your business name on your overall success. Names must also include the words “Limited Liability Company” or the lettters “LLC.” You also may want to check the availability of this name as a URL/domain name for your future website.

Step # 2: Decide on a Registered Agent

A registered agent in South Carolina can be any individual responsible for receiving important documentation on behalf of the LLC. This individual could be you, another member of the LLC, or someone you hire. It’s important that the agent’s address is accurate. This address will be public, however, so if you have a privacy concern, you may want to hire a registered agent. The address must be a physical address.

…Listen to the Episode for Steps #3-5 ☺️

Interested to learn the last three steps? Listen to this week’s podcast episode to hear the rest of the steps to form your LLC!

Need legal services in your small business?

I am a licensed, practicing attorney here in South Carolina. I focus primarily on helping creatives and small business owners with legal matters ranging from contract drafting to assistance with copyrights and trademarks. View a list of my services and contact me to set up a free consultation HERE.

Links Mentioned:

Take me to the SHOW NOTES (on the blog).

Grab the LLC Formation E-Guide.

Follow Nichole on INSTAGRAM.

Free Resources and Tools HERE.

Shoot with Nichole at The Styled Event.

**Attend the HUGE workshop- The Styled Event: Wedding Walkthrough. I hope to see you there!**

Shop Nichole’s Amazon Favorites (including gear, biz books, and more!).

Posted in: The Self-Starter Podcast

July 18, 2022

5 Easy Steps to Form your LLC in South Carolina

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Nichole Lauren is a photographer & business coach in based in South Carolina & available for travel worldwide.

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Nichole Lauren

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