What a fun year it has been! It was so sweet and even made me a little teary-eyed looking back over all the sessions I’ve photographed this year. It was so hard to choose my favorites to include in this post because I’ve truly been blessed with such wonderful clients who make my job so easy and so fun! I never want to take for granted that I get to do what I love. Looking back over 2015, the Lord’s hand has truly been evident in the little things as well as the big. Can’t wait to see you in 2016 and excited for the goals I want to be striving toward in the New Year:
- I want to connect with other photographers more and work towards building community locally as well and also branching out beyond that.
- I would love to work on enhancing the logistical side of my business whether that means hiring a professional, attending a few workshops, or just being more dedicated to self-education.
- I want to expand more into wedding photography. Most of my work in the past has been with portraiture, but I know I would love working with more couples on their big day!
- I am determined to work more on working less. I want to develop an effective workflow plan that will allow me to be engaged in my business while also spending as much time as I can without my head buried in an electronic device.
I would love to hear what your goals are for 2016! Enjoy these highlights, friends and I hope this New Year is your best yet!
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