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Welcome to the blog

With the New Year comes all the talk of resolutions and goal-setting for the year ahead. On today’s episode, we’re taking a look at my intentions for 2023. I hope you find this episode encouraging and inspiring as you set intentions for the New Year.

Listen to this episode now:

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Intentions for 2023

As 2023 begins, it’s been important for me to take some time to reflect, not only on my goals but how I want to feel. I want to prioritize romanticizing my life and FUN! This year. The start of this year is also different in that it’s the first time I’m starting a New Year working for myself full-time. We talk about some of the anxiety and emotions around that in this episode.

The main things I really want to focus on and cultivate in 2023:

  1. You can take up space. This means giving yourself the credit to use your voice and have value and belong in every room you’re in.
  2. That’s not mine to carry. Leaving the responsibility of other’s action or inaction on them. Not trying to shield or shelter other’s from discomfort. Asking for what I need and allowing others to fulfill that for me.
  3. The year of FUN and personal enrichment. I’ve started doing things just for the sake of doing them. It’s been freeing not having to always ben productive! Some of my favorite things have included: playing piano again, starting a 1,000 piece puzzle, learning French, starting a workout app program, and roller skating!

2023 Wallpaper Quotes

I created these graphics to use on my iPhone to remind me of my intentions for the year. Feel free to screenshot and save for your personal use! And be sure to leave me a comment if you do. 🙂

Links Mentioned:

Take me to the SHOW NOTES (on the blog).

Listen to the episode about How I Plan for Vacation in My Business.

Join Business Book Club with Nichole.

Romanticize your life with Nichole’s IPAD or PIANO.

Follow Nichole on INSTAGRAM.

Free Resources and Tools HERE.

Shoot with Nichole at The Styled Event.

Shop Nichole’s Amazon Favorites (including gear, biz books, and more!).

Posted in: The Self-Starter Podcast

January 23, 2023

2023 Intentions for the New Year

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Nichole Lauren is a photographer & business coach in Greenville, SC & available for travel worldwide.

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Nichole Lauren

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photography + Education