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Life as a photographer is rewarding. Yet, there are so many challenges we face almost entirely alone. I’m betting you’re ready for a different approach and a place to sit at the table of abundance and freedom. Introducing the Nichole Lauren Mastermind for photography business owners!

I’m Nichole Lauren, a six-figure business owner, wedding photographer, attorney and coach. On a personal note, I’m a wifey and dog mom to the best four-legged boys. And I am so excited to serve and support you as your business coach in the all new Nichole Lauren Mastermind Program!

Your life and business were not meant to be a one-woman-show. Extrovert or introvert, your heart thrives in the right community. Your brain feels validated in company that faces the same struggles. And your body can just absorb the sense of belonging when you have a seat at the table that is meant just for you.
How does that feel? That’s the power of a joint effort. A village. A tight-knit circle. It’s what we were created for yet so few of us truly have.

Apply for the Nichole Lauren Mastermind Program.

I’m about to read your mind…


  • You’ve grown a great business but can’t get over the threshold of scaling. You’re playing small because you’re scared of failing or losing it all.
  • When you’re around like-minded people, you feel the positive effects, and you wish there was a way to consistently have that all the time.
  • You have all these amazing ideas and always on the edge of greatness but just can’t seem to make it happen.
  • You’re tired of spinning your wheels doing all the things by yourself. You know someone else stepping in would be a breath of fresh air.

There is a better way…

This mastermind isn’t like the others you’ve seen

Six-figure business, $15k months, luxury clients, all of that is possible for you, and I can certainly show you how to get there. But what if I told you success isn’t what you originally thought? What if we could journey together to find freedom, profitability, and generosity in our businesses. Together.

This is the 3-month small group coaching program for photography business owners. Taking you from the tired hamster wheel of comparison, burnout, and “never enough” to the thriving place of contentment, abundance, and togetherness.

Apply for the Nichole Lauren Mastermind Program.

Let’s break it down

We’ll spend three months together which will include…

  1. Mastermind Calls. We’ll have bi-weekly group coaching calls during our four months. We’ll tackle the hard stuff and celebrate the wins, together. These will be 90-minute virtual calls that will take place via zoom. We’ll have a member take the “hot seat” with full attention and eyes on their business from everyone. We may have additional guest trainings from time to time as well.
  2. 1-1 Coaching. Each month we’ll meet for one 60-minute Zoom coaching call. Here we will deep dive into your business as you’ll have my undivided attention. We can make a gameplan for diversifying your income streams, launching, workshopping a problem, and more. The possibilities are endless here.
  3. Unlimited Access. Throughout the weeks and in-between calls, you’ll have unlimited access to me via group Voxer chat (text and voice messaging). This is a great space to troubleshoot quickly or get my eyes on something you’re working on for feedback. 
  4. In-Person Retreat. Part way through our three months together, we will meet in person for a refreshing time in Charleston, SC. Here we’ll work on implementation and coaching more in-depth. Food and lodging included!


get the results you desire like

  • Full support from someone who has walked the path before and shows you how 
  • A life that feels free and uninhibited with creativity flowing\
  • A soft place to land where dreams and goals actually come to fruition 
  • Loosening the grips of imposter syndrome and self doubt to embrace your strengths
  • Clarity and strategy that makes your business and success feel effortless

Apply for the Nichole Lauren Mastermind Program.

Have you been feeling like there’s a million ideas of courses to create, programs to launch, offers to sell, clients to serve? Or maybe you’re struggling to execute the everyday things like content creation, marketing, and client service. Nothing changes if nothing changes. Truth is, although you are a powerhouse (and I really mean that), there is only so much you can accomplish on your own. To get over your mental blocks takes an outside perspective.

You don’t just need the tools. You need the strategy and accountability to go with them.

This is for the photographers who know that they were meant for more than just numbers and hustle. They desire a space to flourish and want to follow a proven roadmap to not just survive but truly thrive in all areas of their business.

Ready to join the mastermind? Find out more information and apply here.

Apply for the Nichole Lauren Mastermind Program.

Free education over on Youtube

Listen to the Podcast

Posted in: For Photographers, Tools & Resources

March 3, 2024

Photography Business Mastermind | Coaching Program by Nichole Lauren

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Nichole Lauren is a photographer & business coach in Greenville, SC & available for travel worldwide.

Get in touch:

Nichole Lauren

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photography + Education