Welcome to the blog

Welcome to the blog

I’ve come to realize… I don’t make sense to a lot of people 🙃

Real quotes people have said to me in just the past week (with accurate emojis):

  • “So you went to law school, and now you’re a wedding photographer????” 🤨
  • “I ran into your mom the other day and she said you went to law school and now photograph weddings [awkward laugh].” 😅
  • “So whyyy would you quit your job as an attorney?” (To which a very cheeky me replied, “because I make more money now.” 🤭)
  • “I feel like this would be more of a side job you’d have with being a full-time attorney, not the other way around.” 🤔

I get it. Because for the longest time it didn’t make sense to me either.

9 months ago, I was in an entirely different place…

I took a risk, a BIG risk.

And it was SCARY for the responsible, rule follower I am.

And ever since I’ve been met with ????? from pretty much everyone I come into contact with.

So let’s talk…

Listen to this episode now:

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You can change your mind!

I hope my story can show you that you have FULL permission to reinvent yourself, change your mind, and also go back to something you thought you never would OR leave it completely.

Each part of your story is GOOD. And all your chapters don’t have to make sense to everyone to be VALID.

Say it with me: ✨Being understood is NOT the goal!✨

Doing what God put you here on this earth to do, IS. And that includes going against the grain, re-routing completely, or even staying exactly where you are. 💕

Links Mentioned:

Take me to the ⁠⁠SHOW NOTES⁠⁠ (on the blog).

Follow Nichole on ⁠⁠INSTAGRAM⁠⁠.

Listen to ⁠⁠Episode #1: My Business Story⁠⁠.

Get to ⁠⁠⁠Episode #9: How I Quit My 9-5 Job⁠.

Enjoy ⁠⁠⁠Episode #28: How I Matched My Attorney Salary⁠.

Free Resources and Tools ⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠.

Shoot with Nichole at ⁠⁠The Styled Event⁠⁠.

Shop ⁠⁠Nichole’s Amazon Favorites⁠⁠ (including gear, biz books, and more!).

Posted in: The Self-Starter Podcast

April 3, 2023

You Can Change Your Mind and Be Misunderstood

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Nichole Lauren is a photographer & business coach in Greenville, SC & available for travel worldwide.

Get in touch:

Nichole Lauren

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photography + Education